Level up with customized CiviCRM training

Join a short-term, rapid skill up program to develop your CiviCRM know-how. This is well-suited for spinning up a new CiviCRM installation or a crash course to gaining confidence on your specific system.

Remove Barriers

Are you "newish" to CiviCRM and wish you could stop spinning your wheels?

Gain Confidence

Benefits after receiving CiviCRM training

I’m not too interested in showing you CiviCRM 101 without context. And I hope you aren’t either. Honestly, you could get that anywhere and freely online on your own time. What you really need to be effective is CiviCRM training in alignment with you where you want to end up.

To take a page from Wayne Gretzky, he may have not been the fastest skater, but what he did have was a great sense of anticipation of where the puck was headed next. Do you know how to spot donor and constituent opportunities before they’re on your doorstep, or worse, only in hindsight?  Start taking a proactive approach and you can start raising more funds and bring more awareness to your cause.

Through this training, you will be able to get the foundational knowledge to build or re-organizing your current setup to make your daily work easier.

I don’t know about you, but making real headway and saving loads of time is was always top of mind for me as a nonprofit leader. To move your organization forward in meaningful ways you need to mesh your organizational knowledge into CiviCRM functionality. Then take what works and use your CRM as a multiplier effect to reach more people and expand your impact.

Here’s the benefits to enrolling in this short-term program.

Level up time

Amplify your CiviCRM capabilities

CiviCRM training is an investment in yourself and your organizations institutional knowledge. This pays off by improving efficiency, ensuring data accuracy, saving costs, enhancing communication strategies, and enabling adaptability to the evolving needs of your nonprofit organization.

There are three plans you can choose from to fit just getting familiar to going “all-in” so you have the tools you need to succeed.


$ 90
  • 1 hour training session
  • Recorded for later viewing


$ 150
  • 2 bi-weekly training sessions for 90 minutes each
  • Recorded for later viewing
  • Email support


$ 600
  • 2 bi-weekly training sessions for 90 minutes each
  • Recorded for later viewing
  • CiviCRM installation and initial configuration
  • Unlimited email support in between trainings
  • Same day response time (under 3 hours)
– Dan Fishman, Executive Director
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